Google Algorithm Updates

  GOOGLE ALGORITHM UPDATES In 2012 google decided to update its system by improving its quality and by building trust value with its users. Given below are the most prominent updates of google since 2012; 1. PANDA UPDATE [ 21.12. 2012]                                 In 2012 Google introduced The Panda update to reduce low quality content given to its users. The main aim of this update was to eradicate content spamming among the webmasters.   Through this update Google decided to not show certain websites with low quality content, keyword spam , thin unattractive contents etc in their search result. This helped Google in building trust value among its users. 2. PENGUIN UPDATE [ 5.10.2012] Google's Penguin update was developed to reduce link spamming . Link spamming as we know is a method of selling links to another website in exchange of money to increase its ranking.  So to reduce...

History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization


 History of SEO 

SEO HistoryIt is believed that Search Engine Optimization or better known as SEO was formed  in 1991 by its creators Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google or SEO as we know today was a project done by the two during there years in Stanford University

At the beginning , google send out the search results within 24 hours , through the respective mails uploaded by the people. Google was not a popular search engine during that period of time compared to the others like Yahoo. 


Google as we know today got popular among the people after the attack at the World Trade Center in 2001. The reason was because people started searching more about the incident. But later Google noticed that it didn't provide all the relevant information searched by the people. As a result the officials at Google came to a conclusion that, it was because of the functioning of the Google Bots or google robots which didn't crawl enough websites to get all the relevant information in its database.

So, as a solution to all its problems the officials decided to spread awareness among the webmasters by publishing  the Google's starter guides or personal documents  and at the same time made their robots stronger by making them crawl on more number of websites for the required  information. 

 Functions of SEO 

SEO is known for its three main functions which are;

      1.  CRAWALING -   The process in which Google bots scan and crawl on new websites. 

         2.  CATCHING  -       The process in which all scanned and updated contents are captured and are stored on their respective databases.


3.   INDEXING -      The process in which Google store's and organizes the content found during the crawling process.

 Evolutionary path of SEO


After sharing the started guide to the webmasters it was easy for google to crawl and index webpages. But due to this reason webmasters started misusing these techniques which further led to over optimization.

Evolution of SEO Ranking 


According to this method Google started ranking websites based on the usage of their respective keywords. It is also known as content specific method in which webmasters were asked to add their respective keywords wherever necessary. The more number of keywords the higher the rank. Keeping this in mind the webmasters started misusing such techniques by stuffing keywords in blank spaces, where people wouldn't notice. This further led to keyword stuffing which is considered  as a Black-hat SEO technique


According to this method when your website shares a link to another website such links will be considered as recommendations. Which means your website is recommending the other website. 
such links are known as hyperlinks. But later on, this method was also misused. Webmasters started selling links in exchange of money. 


After the first two methods failed SEO decided to change their method to quality link specific method. According to this method we must receive quality link from websites with higher page rank. But this method was also misused by the webmasters in a way that all the websites with higher ranks started selling links.


According to this method while passing links we were forced to passing a certain share of equity from our website. If we are not willing to share equity a no-follow links were also provided. Such links will not help in increasing the page rank. 


social media
In 2010 social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc gained massive popularity. So as a result Google decided to make social media sites as a method to rank a website.
Social media signals are webpage's collective shares, comments, likes and overall social media visibility as perceived by search engines. 
According to this method the page will be ranked according to their social media popularity and interaction. 
So these were the 5 different methods in which Google ranked websites. 

And now we have come to the end of the topic History and Evolution of SEO.
But remember to,

"Always deliver more than expected"- Larry Page 



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